Knowledge of data and analytics has become central to success. Focused on meaningful data and analytics, at Change Consulting Scotland, we work with you to gain visibility over the most important aspects of your business and projects.
Knowledge of data and analytics has become central to success. The data your company holds on how your product works plays a key role in decision making, allowing you to accurately understand if you are meeting your customers needs, identifying trends and predicting future trends. It is also plays an essential part in the Lean Six Sigma method, where data is relied on to detect weak points in your processes, remove bottlenecks and any other ‘waste’ elements slowing you down.
Focused on meaningful data and analytics, at Change consulting Scotland, we work with you to gain visibility over the most important aspects of your business and projects. We collate data and identify key metrics that indicate and facilitate project successes and failures, so you and your team can make targeted decisions, based on real and measurable facts. We also integrate the use of technologies to track projects, automate analytics and visually communicate data that helps you make decisions and monitor progress at-a-click.

process maturity
The state of your business processes can have impact on strategic and operational goals. By benchmarking your current and future process maturity goals, you can understand your current challenges, identify areas for improvement, prioritise and make impactful change. We helped numerous businesses improve, from back-office administration to operational project management and have developed tools and expertise to help you gauge the maturity of your processes.
project & workflow mapping
Project and workflow mapping make process inefficiencies more visible. Adding in dynamic project mapping you can track and adjust your workflows in line with your project goals, helping you prioritise resources. We sit with you to review your current process to analyse and create a fact-based map of your processes. We focus on helping you optimize your workflow and eliminate inefficiencies. We keep communications simple and effective throught the process so everyone is on the same page.