Welcome to our blog where we share practical tips and exciting insights on navigating change in your business. At Change Consulting Scotland, we believe that growth and innovation require embracing change. Join us on this exciting journey of transformation and let’s take your business to the next level together.

AI Innovation at CCS: Game-Changers for Us and Our Clients
At CCS, we’re quick to explore new and innovative opportunities to enhance our services and help your people work more efficiently. Our Graduate Apprentice Business Consultant, Eilidh Poole, has been experimenting with AI. She’s created a life-like avatar of herself and generated a

AI and Automations | My Journey at CCS, by Eilidh Poole
CCS consultants come from all walks of life. One commonality we all share, though, is a hunger to learn and a focus on improvement. Our curiosity and drive to make change for the better means we are constantly adapting to changes, whether these

Lean Sigma | CEO Secret to Success
Let’s face it, running a business today isn’t easy. The difference between thriving and just surviving often comes down to how well you can streamline operations and adapt to changes. But how? Enter Lean thinking and a culture of continuous improvement — hallmarks

Lean Sigma Training with CCS Lean Academy| Supercharge Your Skills and Transform Your Workplace
If you’re ready to up your problem-solving game, streamline processes, and gain some serious career cred, then Lean Sigma is for you. At CCS Lean Academy, we’re making Lean Sigma training and certification accessible, impactful and, yes, fun! Here’s a quick look at

Remote by Design.
In recent years, remote working has shifted from being a niche practice to a widely adopted workplace model, with Covid-19 playing a significant role in accelerating this trend. However, in more recent months, the momentum has reversed as many employers are pushing staff

Unlocking Business Potential | CCS DMAIC Business Process Improvement Diagnostics
At CCS, we understand that navigating operational inefficiencies and improving business processes can feel overwhelming. That’s why we offer our Business Process Improvement Diagnostics service — designed to help you gain clarity on your internal business processes, identify improvement areas and prioritise where improvements will make

Project Hero, or False Friend?| Choosing your Project Management “Methodology”
Whether you’re gearing up for a new project or just curious about the best way to get things done, you’re in the right place. At CCS, our consultants mix, match and apply best fit project management methodologies to ensure operational excellence. Let’s take

Embracing AI for Business Process Improvement| General Electric Shows Us Why Process Understanding Comes First
In today’s dynamic business environment, leveraging AI for business process improvement is more topical and important than ever. However, before diving into AI, it’s crucial to have a deep understanding of your processes and foster a Lean culture. Let’s explore why starting with

Maintaining Momentum at Microsoft| How a PMO Supports Change at Different Stages of the Emotional Curve
Change is rarely easy, especially in the workplace. It can bring uncertainty, anxiety, and resistance. Enter the Project Management Office (PMO)! The PMO plays a crucial role in guiding employees through the transition. Let’s explore how a PMO can help maintain momentum during

A Framework for Better Decision-Making| CCS BPI Diagnostics & DMAIC
At Change Consulting Scotland (CCS), one of our key pillars of service is helping businesses make better decisions through our Business Process Improvement (BPI) services. These help to set, initiate and transform your improvement project anywhere along the journey, be it in the

Step 9| What do Netflix and Toyota have in common?
The 9-Step Change Cycle| Step 9 Reflect & Refine with PDCA Change is an inevitable part of life, especially in the dynamic landscape of business. Whether it’s adapting to market shifts, integrating new technologies, or restructuring operations, organisations must navigate change effectively to

Step 8| Hershey’s and Procter & Gamble: Big Bang v Persistence in Digital Transformation
The 9-Step Change Cycle| Step 8 Keep on Keeping on In the realm of organisational change, maintaining momentum is often just as crucial as the initial push for transformation. Step 8 of the 9 Step Change Cycle, “Keep On Keeping On,” underscores the

Step 7| Celebrating Early Wins: How Tesla and Toyota Led the EV Revolution
The 9-Step Change Cycle| Step 7 How did Tesla and Toyota manage to break resistance to change and push to make their electric vehicle visions reality? Today, we dive into Step 7 of our Change Management journey — the oft forgotten art of

Step 6| Rethinking Governance: Unfreeze Your Organisation
The 9-Step Change Cycle| Step 6 In the dynamic environment of today’s business world, change is not just a constant, but a necessity for survival and growth. Organisations that adapt and successfully navigate the waves of Change often emerge stronger, while those resistant

Step 5| Assemble Your Agents of Change
Change is always ‘just around the corner’ and to maintain a competitive edge within the industry, your organisation must adapt accordingly. In turn, this will help you and your team strive towards, or maintain, success. To state the often overlooked obvious, nothing changes

Step 4 | Communicate, communicate, communicate!
The 9-Step Change Cycle | Step 4 You can have all the tools, time and the best laid plans but communication can make or break a change initiative. All organisations need change to adapt, sustain and thrive in a constantly evolving and competitive

Step 3 | Develop Full Vision
The 9-Step Change Cycle Without a fully developed vision for change, your organisation is like a ship lost at sea. Where are you trying to go and how is it you plan to get there? What is the objective of your journey? This

Step 2 | Lead from the Top
Preventing deaths in New Zealand and the UK| a comparative case study of Change Management DISCLAIMER: while this article mentions political leaders and describes international and leadership situations, it is not intended as and in no way represents any political opinion, affiliation or

Step 1 | How Netflix Beat Blockbuster
The Urgent Case for Change The 9-Step Change Cycle The Urgent Case for Change — AKA the Burning Platform for Change — is key to initiating change and staying on top of your game. Businesses, teams and your Uncle Bob are unlikely to

Making Change Happen
Making Change Happen: Our 9-Step Change Cycle Change is an inevitable part of your organization’s journey toward growth and success. However, managing change can be a complex and challenging process. That’s where Change Consulting Scotland’s 9-Step Change Cycle comes into play. A tested

How Can LEAN help?
Benefits of Lean Six Sigma: a customer-centric business improvement methodology Lean Six Sigma is a business management strategy where the core focus is reducing waste and increasing process efficiency to ensure sustainable value for your customer. This method helps your business detect inefficiencies

Sorry I’m late, again!
Process Maturity Matters for Finance If you repeatedly feel frustrated at work by late or delayed projects, documentation or people, please take this 5-minute read. 25 years of Change Management consulting across FTSE 100 and SME’s suggest — somewhat controversially — that no

A History of Lean Six Sigma
Project Management and Change Management approaches like Design Thinking and Continuous Improvement as well as Project Management methods like Kanban boards and Process Flow Maps can be found in automated off-the-shelf tools like Asana, Monday or Sharktower. All of these can be traced